Friday, June 9, 2017

End of the Year Checklist: Google Classroom

As things wrap up with exams you may have some end of year procedures you like to do to make sure you get a great start in the Fall.  This year we may want to add one more to our list and clean up our Google Classroom too.

1  Keep Student Exemplars:
a.   go into the google classroom assignment,
b.   click the mini file folder at the top,
c.    In that drive folder, right click on the exemplar and make a copy
d.   Drag the copy to your exemplar folder

2  Review/Return all assignments
a.   In google classroom, click on the hamburger menu and press work
b.   Click on the To Review tab at top
c.    Choose the class to review or All classes
d.   Click on each assignment and check to see if you have returned all work to students.
e.   Use Snowman menu to mark as reviewed.  (You can also do this as a habit during the year to keep grading organized.

   Archive this Year’s classes (you can still get to them)
a.   Go to the classes homepage (has tiles of all classes)
b.   Click the snowman menu on each tile and choose Archive.
c.    This cleans up your classroom page but you can still un-archive the class OR copy assignments from archived classes.

Here is a video if you want a visual walkthrough.

Enjoy your life!
